Typical SMS/Text Message Flow

Typical SMS/Text Message Flow

When a customer enters your line with their cell/mobile phone number, they will start receiving text messages.  Here is the typical order of messages that they will receive.  Please note that the timing of these is based on your configuration.  The name of each message is included in parenthesis in case you plan to review or change this message in Command Center.

1) Joined Message (joined) - This message confirms that the customer has joined the line.  It typically includes an estimated wait time as well.

2) Status Updates (pushed_status_update) - This message is typically sent at 30 minute intervals for as long as the customer is in the line.  Note that when interactive (2 way) messaging is enabled, the customer is able to ask for a status update as often as they wish (pulled_status_update).

3) Please Return Message (pushed_please_return_status_update) - This message is used to notify the user that it is time for them to return to your location.  The timing of this is controlled by the "Notify No Later Than" field in your queue settings in Command Center.

4) Summoned Message (ticket_consumer if one queue) or (ticket_consumer_specify_queue if more than one queue) - This message notifies the customer that it is their turn.  This can include a location to report to, ask the customer to listen for their name, or any other instructions you'd like them to receive.

There are also a couple of special scenarios for other messages that might go out:

A) The customer is not marked as arrived, or does not show up when called.  After the "unconfirmed ticket timeout" value found in your queue settings has elapsed, the customer will automatically be moved to the Expired list. In this event, they will receive the ticket_expired message.  This message typically lets the customer know that they missed their turn and gives them the amount of time allowed to rejoin the front of the line.

B) If appointments are enabled, the following messages will also be utilized:

  • appointment_confirmation - Message includes the confirmation code, date and time of the appointment
  • appointment_reminder - This message, which typically goes out 24 hours prior to the appointment, is used to remind the customer of their upcoming appointment.
  • joined_appointment - This message is used in place of the joined message mentioned above.

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