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  1. Queue ManagerCustomer Engagement Center: This is the application you and your staff will use to add people to your queues, summon them, and mark them as arrived. 
    1.  *Your personal username/password* – this is sent to you during account set up. was sent in your welcome letter
  2. QLess Reports:This provides several different business-intelligence reports to help you analyze how your customers are using QLess. They are updated once per day, so you will start seeing data show up here the day after you start using QLess. 
    1. URL:
    2. *Your personal username/password* -this is the same log in that you use for Queue Managerthe Customer Engagement Center

  3. QLess Monitor: This is the application that can run on a wall-mounted display, and will display everyone in your queues.
    1. URL:
    2. UserID: __________ - was sent in your welcome letter
    3. Password: qless

  4. QLess Kiosk: This is the application that can run on a touch-screen kiosk and will allow anyone to add themselves to your queues.
    1. URL:
    2. UserID: __________- was sent in your welcome letter
    3. Password: qless

  5. Home Kiosk: This is the same functionality as Kiosk, but allows your customers to join the line from home. You can embed this link on your website, for easy access by your customers.
    1. URL:«Location_ID» - was sent in your welcome letter
    2. No password needed
